Calama, September 22, 2009.
Indigenous Organizations, Social, Farmers, Tourist and the Chamber of Commerce San Pedro de Atacama all organizations of the Second Region of Chile
The Geysers Geysers area of \u200b\u200binterest were declared National Tour 2002 and the City of Calama own opposition to the project agreed, as well as Universities, Research, experts, associations and organizations that requested the Mayor an unfavorable ruling on the project.
We have requested the intervention of national authorities to protect and save the Geysers Geysers, Letter to the Honourable President of the Republic, Michelle Bachelet Jeria , Minister Secretary General of the Presidency Viera Gallo, Resource Protection decision Corema before the Court of Appeals in Antofagasta with the help of Rep. Felipe Word, is seeking the suspension of the activity Geothermal Energy Minister Tocman Marcelo, who wrote a letter to Mining Minister Santiago Gonzalez Larrain of delivery tube which is not called for the review of sectoral permits needed for the geothermal exploration and task suspension of the Municipality of Calama, I communicate personally Calama Mayor Esteban Velasquez in December 2008 that there was no ruling, another letter to the Minister of Energy Review of the geothermal suspension, which was not ruling on that date, Geothermal Company del Norte SA was approved in February 2009 by Corema Antofagasta, this brings an internal appeals the National Commission for the Environment, which have not yet delivered.
We also requesting intervention to the international authorities will request an application for interim relief to Ambassador James Canton American Commission on Human Rights also sent a letter to United Nations rapporteur Janes Anaya, personally Iquique comes complete with a folder documenting the Geysers Geysers, a charter with a history of Italian Ambassador Paolo Casardi.
view of the above request:
1. Help International Scientific determining air pollution and surface water, groundwater, its Effects, Environmental damage and thermophilic Life.
2. request the presence of United Nations Rapporteur Anaya Janes site visit.
3. Order the cessation and total length of the intervention of the Geysers Geysers.
; we are aware that at the actions expressed have been violated our constitutional rights, human, environmental and spiritual Ancestral our worldview.
Media National and international dissemination of this release.
Sincerely .
Amelia Mamani Charcas
President Sumaj Llajta Indian Community.
Esteban Araya TOROC
Secretary Association of Farmers Calama
Luis Jorquera Grin
Growers Association Director
Eduardo Cruz Choque
Network for Indigenous Participation Calama.
Sonia Ramos Chocobar
Cultores President of the Association of Ancient Medicine Likanantay.
Cutipa Marcela Maldonado
President of the Consumers Association of Calama.
Haroldo Horta
Atuspa member.
Ana Maria Baron
Archaeologist, Former Mayor of San Pedro de Atacama.
William Fabre
President of the Chamber of Commerce San Pedro de Atacama.
Mauricio Ccioca
Tourism Association President and Environment Environmental atime.
José Julián Maldonado
Atuspa President.