Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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statement regarding the recent disaster in

Calama, September 22, 2009.

Indigenous Organizations, Social, Farmers, Tourist and the Chamber of Commerce San Pedro de Atacama all organizations of the Second Region of Chile

denounce the following:

In Chile, a state-funded activity is drilling and exploring the Geysers Geysers (El Abuelo crying). This is the first time in Chile industrial activity would affect a ceremonial Indian territory, declared one of the three most important tourist destinations in Chile, and threatening the proof of irreparable impacts such as alteration of ancestral lands, sites ceremonial Inca Trail, endangering protected species like the Andean Cat (there are only 300 copies), the lizard Atacama and unique species of flora, reducing tourism, generating displacement of people, affecting biodiversity in an area of \u200b\u200bproduction of species unique, threatening the destruction of meadows and wetlands, and one of the most beautiful landscapes of Chile, altering the Geiser largest area in the southern hemisphere, which contains about 8% of total World Geiser, with evidence of other experiences in the world where these extractions product has decreased or ceased tourism and water flows , destroying the lives thermophilic used for research on the origin of mankind, the land subsidence and earthquakes, altering the causes of the Rivers and others.

The Geysers Geysers area of \u200b\u200binterest were declared National Tour 2002 and the City of Calama own opposition to the project agreed, as well as Universities, Research, experts, associations and organizations that requested the Mayor an unfavorable ruling on the project.

We have requested the intervention of national authorities to protect and save the Geysers Geysers, Letter to the Honourable President of the Republic, Michelle Bachelet Jeria , Minister Secretary General of the Presidency Viera Gallo, Resource Protection decision Corema before the Court of Appeals in Antofagasta with the help of Rep. Felipe Word, is seeking the suspension of the activity Geothermal Energy Minister Tocman Marcelo, who wrote a letter to Mining Minister Santiago Gonzalez Larrain of delivery tube which is not called for the review of sectoral permits needed for the geothermal exploration and task suspension of the Municipality of Calama, I communicate personally Calama Mayor Esteban Velasquez in December 2008 that there was no ruling, another letter to the Minister of Energy Review of the geothermal suspension, which was not ruling on that date, Geothermal Company del Norte SA was approved in February 2009 by Corema Antofagasta, this brings an internal appeals the National Commission for the Environment, which have not yet delivered.

We also requesting intervention to the international authorities will request an application for interim relief to Ambassador James Canton American Commission on Human Rights also sent a letter to United Nations rapporteur Janes Anaya, personally Iquique comes complete with a folder documenting the Geysers Geysers, a charter with a history of Italian Ambassador Paolo Casardi.

view of the above request:

1. Help International Scientific determining air pollution and surface water, groundwater, its Effects, Environmental damage and thermophilic Life.

2. request the presence of United Nations Rapporteur Anaya Janes site visit.

3. Order the cessation and total length of the intervention of the Geysers Geysers.

; we are aware that at the actions expressed have been violated our constitutional rights, human, environmental and spiritual Ancestral our worldview.


Media National and international dissemination of this release.

Sincerely .

Amelia Mamani Charcas

President Sumaj Llajta Indian Community.

Esteban Araya TOROC

Secretary Association of Farmers Calama

Luis Jorquera Grin

Growers Association Director Calama

Eduardo Cruz Choque

Network for Indigenous Participation Calama.

Sonia Ramos Chocobar

Cultores President of the Association of Ancient Medicine Likanantay.

Cutipa Marcela Maldonado

President of the Consumers Association of Calama.

Haroldo Horta

Atuspa member.

Ana Maria Baron

Archaeologist, Former Mayor of San Pedro de Atacama.

William Fabre

President of the Chamber of Commerce San Pedro de Atacama.

Mauricio Ccioca

Tourism Association President and Environment Environmental atime.

José Julián Maldonado

Atuspa President.



We support the following institutions, organizations and individuals in the world:

Inter-American Observatory on the Rights of Migrants OCIM

Chile National Immigration Bureau.
Sharing Network Indigenous

Lickan Antay Kamac-Mayu, children
Community Yalquincha Atacama San Pedro de Atacama
Chunchuri West Indian Association

Putre Indian Community Native Women's Association Inti Panni Pacha Mama


ORGANIZATIONS eventual Union Contractors CODELCO Business Research Center Migratory

Farmers Association
El Loa Neighborhood Board No. 1



Friday, September 4, 2009

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tatio and we will call this democracy! ! No more abuse and more respect

Without making prior consultation Chile Senate closes within indigenous constitutional signs

intespestivo So, without public discussion was closed indications within the controversial constitutional reform bill which limits the rights of indigenous peoples. The incident occurred on Tuesday, September 1, 2009. The Executive urgently assigned the processing.

The draft constitutional reform was not on the agenda of the plenary session of the Senate, but by an official of the executive, was introduced in the session table. Simultaneously adopted an agreement fulminant committees.

opened under the agreement a "special period" indications for the project, which began and ended on the same day. Thus the Executive introduced a new text which slightly modifies the proposed constitutional reform. The move closed the period taken for indications amendments to the project.


be recalled that the official deadline for indications had expired on 30 July 2009. That period had been approved by the Senate on April 7, 2009, when approving the "idea of \u200b\u200blegislating." The purpose of the deadline, which had been revonado on two occasions was able to give time to implement a process of consultation with indigenous peoples, applying Article 6 of the Convention No. 169.

However, during the months of April to July, the Senate did not conduct any activity intended to comply with its duty to consult. In his lugarm the Executive, through the now abandoned "Presidential Commission" displayed a diffusion process of the text of the draft constitutional reform on indigenous communities, and solicited opinions and proposals. In this unique process is called "consultation."

"Consultation of the Commissioner" was challenged by indigenous organizations for failing to meet the essential requirements of the institution of consultation, and because the state party should be the Congress and not an agency of government.


The results of this "refers to the Commissioner" were compiled by the Executive and sent to the Senate Constitution Committee, to take into account the time to resume the study of reform project.

The Constitution of the Senate Committee had scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, September 2, in order to further study the project. However, all was resolved with the resolution adopted on September 1, 2009.

In practice, the Senate gave not only satisfy the duty to consult indigenous peoples, and the Executive also took into account the results of the "consultation of the Commissioner." Confirmed so criticism that had been made to this irregular process, which had been described by various indigenous organizations as a measure distracting and irrelevant. The new indication

entered by the executive is the same text presented on April 7, 2009, and which now are added some editorial changes, that in no case can arise as a result of the "consultation of the Commissioner"

admitted on September 1, 2009

"1) replaces Article 4, by the following:

"Article 4 .- The State recognizes the existence of indigenous peoples living in its territory and their right to preserve, strengthen and develop their identity, culture, language, institutions and traditions and participate in economic, social , political and cultural life in the manner established in the national legal order, the right to be exercised by communities, organizations and members of these communities.
Indigenous peoples may organize your life according to their customs, in accordance with the Constitution and laws .".".


The new text remain unchanged The main adverse effects of this reform:

- Unknown pre-existence of indigenous peoples as collective subjects prior to the state.

- are unknown to international standards on indigenous peoples' rights, and ILO Convention 169, reducing the rights of indigenous peoples to cultural and social short-list, subject to what is established in the Chilean legal .

- was tacitly denied the status of indigenous peoples as entities capable of exercising their collective rights, reducing the exercise of rights only to indigenous individuals and communities, indigenous organizations formed under Chilean law.

- Introduction of a complete subordination of life of indigenous peoples, to the Chilean standards.

all information belongs to www.centrodepolitcaspublicas.net

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

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and we are a developed country!

urgently. Senate approved a constitutional reform that mutilates rights of indigenous peoples. Sinistra political operation of Viera Gallo

Behind indigenous peoples and entering an indication outside table and without a vote, the 1st of September at 18 hrs in a "meeting of the committee," an act typical of mafia gangs, the Senate committees approved "constitutional recognition" that mutilates the indigenous peoples' rights. New text proposed by the Executive refuses condition of the people as subjects of rights.

The bill passed a second step, the Chamber of Deputies.

Viera Gallo Senate and give a blow to indigenous peoples. Prove their blindness and contempt for human rights, blatantly violating the Convention 169.


At 16: 00 pm from Monday September 1, 2009 the Government through the Minister Viera Gallo entered the message 41, which "makes the urge, described as" sum "for the following initiatives:

"constitutional reform project, launched in Motion of the Honourable Senators Allamand gentlemen, Cantero, Espina, Garcia and Romero, which recognizes the contribution of indigenous peoples to the creation of the Chilean nation and constitutional reform bill that recognizes indigenous peoples of Chile (Bulletin No. 5324-07 and 5522-07, submitted). "

Senate committees immediately took the agreement to "expand" signs within the project of reform ... until 18 pm the same day same day Sept. 1.

And the same committees proceeded to approve the project with the only Nation and the following


INDICATION HE the President of the Republic:

"1) replaces Article 4, by the following:

" Article 4 .- The State recognizes the existence of indigenous peoples living in its territory and their right to preserve, strengthen and develop their identity, culture, language, institutions and traditions and participate in economic, social, political and cultural development in establishing a national legal order, right to be exercised by communities, organizations and members of these communities.

Indigenous peoples may organize your life according to their customs, in accordance with the Constitution and laws .".".


Along with approving the sentence unchanged fascist "and Individo single nation, the new version reaffirms that indigenous peoples not to enforce. They are not capable collective subjects.

The "recognition" will be announced in the first sentence is a sham, denies that the phrase only communities, indigenous organizations and individuals could exercise rights.

And if it is in the iron frame of the Constitution that denies rights Chilean ....


inconsulto and racist project has passed the House of Representatives

The government has attached great urgency to the proceedings.


= 3 days.

Is that the desire for dialogue and to comply with ILO Convention 169?

that why the procession of ministers travel?

text mapuexpress.net give

truth that if they report

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Does American Eagle Drug Test

instances to save the tatio

to instances can be taken to save the tatio geysers can be a common question, but even when asked to collaborate with a signature campaign we are doing at this time
one of the few that can support this cause is the international court of human rights
but is it??

"The Human Rights Commission ( Commission ) is one of the two entities of the system for the protection and promotion of human rights in the Americas. It is headquartered in Washington, DC The other body is the American Court of Human Rights , based in San José, Costa Rica .

The IACHR is an autonomous organ of the principal and Organization of American States (OAS), which term derived from the Charter of the OAS and the American Convention on Human Rights, and acts on behalf of all OAS member countries. comprises seven independent act in a personal capacity, without represent any particular country and who are elected by the General Assembly.

The Commission meets in regular and special sessions several times a year. Executive Secretariat carries out the instructions of the IACHR and provides legal support for the preparation and administrative tasks. "

What functions and powers of the Commission?

The Commission has the primary role of promoting the observance and protection of human rights and the exercise of its mandate:

a) Receives, analyzes and investigates individual petitions which allege human rights violations, as provided in Articles 44 to 51 of the Convention.

b) Notes the general validity of human rights in Member States, and when it sees fit publishes special reports on the situation in a particular state.

c) Make site visits to countries to deepen the general observation of the situation, and / or to investigate a particular situation. These visits usually result in the preparation of a related report, published and sent to the General Assembly.

d) Stimulates public consciousness regarding human rights in the Americas. To do so, carries out and publishes studies on specific topics. So for example on: measures to ensure greater independence of the judiciary; activities of irregular armed groups, the human rights situation of minors, women, indigenous peoples.

e) Conducts and participates in conferences and meetings of various kinds with government representatives, academics, nongovernmental groups, etc ... Share and analyze issues with the inter-American human rights.

f) Makes recommendations to OAS Member States on measures to help promote and guarantee human rights.

g) requires States to take "precautionary measures" specific to avoid serious and irreparable damage to human rights emergencies. You can also request that the Court required "provisional measures" governments in urgent cases of danger to people, even if the case has not yet been submitted to the Court.

h) Submits cases to the jurisdiction of the Court and acts before the Court in such disputes.

i) Requests "advisory opinion" to the Court on matters of interpretation of the Convention.

why we can appeal Human rights??

Obviously, the destruction of tatio not only means the loss of a wonderful place, but it is also a lack of respect for the indigenous peoples who have lived for centuries in the territories and because ultimately the destruction of tatio involves the disappearance of the surrounding towns that are part of the history of our country

can not lose hope! nothing is lost work

mourn is better for fighting and being defeated, we mourn for not doing anything