Tuesday, November 10, 2009
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after many days is the absence, I just have to apologize to those people who have fought more strongly than ever that he is still alive
the indigenous grandmothers' trip was the highest symbol of the dreamers, is the apparent history of Quixote fighting windmills, just to them my absolute admiration
take advantage to thank Mehuin creek fighters have always had a caring heart, although the reason why they are fighting is difficult, always leave a space for support any Indian brother
this note is written for them
Determined to do everything in his power, on October 10 Mrs Amelia Mamani (President Quechua Community Llajta Sumac, 58 years) and Sonia Ramos (President of the Association of Medical Cultores Ancestral Likan Antai and Quechua, 55). They began their trek of 1500 miles from Calama to Santiago, to deliver to President Michelle Bachelet a letter signed by more than 30 000 people rejecting the intervention of the Geothermal Project in the geysers of The Geysers, in the Antofagasta Region.
This was an agreement that took them, without comment, for fear of repression living opponents of the "big projects." Situation that occurs in all parts of Chile where there are conflicts over territories threatened with pollution and destruction.
The idea of \u200b\u200bgrandmothers, was reached by their own means from Calama to Santiago, walking day and night looking for a place to sleep. All with their own resources (although rare). They felt the need to make great sacrifice for "the grandfather crying." As calls his people, in the north to the Geysers.
came to Santiago on Friday 23 October at 11am. They give an interview to the media and would deliver the letter to the president. Who, in something that is no surprise, was not the time to receive them. Sympathize with, and Quechua peoples and Antai Likan because so does our Mapuche people. Al Apparently there is no time for Native Peoples, and North and South, but for entrepreneurs, artists, athletes and foreign celebrities. We
receive these walkers and Mrs. Amelia said, "At my age I should not do this, but I can be sitting watching destroy natural resources." Apart
enriching commented that it was the journey, chatting with many people who were waiting in different cities. He recalled the joy he felt at seeing young people engaged and aware. He added: "In my heart I have every conversation, when I get my people tell you everything I heard and so my neighbors, my family and all who hear me know what happens in other places. "
As many feared, were not received by President Bachelet, who hoped to talk. But not as "president" but as a woman, mother and grandmother. They expected her to understand what they feel. However, at about 14:30 pm, when they were thinking about what lived in the vicinity of the CONFERRE, received a call from the Chief of Staff to the Secretary of the Interior Patrick Roseberry, saying that now would be received at 16: 00 hours. Before this was prepared, although it was clear to what had come, be received only by President Michelle Bachelet.
gave us a great example, with its long, strenuous walk and sacrifice. Were happy to be accompanied by brothers of Patagonia (no dams) and Mapuche brothers. We (lafkenche) finished admiring them, for their strength and desire to continue to defend its territory.
That we understand very well because we also live with the threat of contaminating the Lafkenmapu. In our case, not an Italian geothermal flow as in The Geysers, but by a cell of the Angelini group, which is named as Arauco and a pine tree logo. The logo of destruction!
ship newen (strength) and recognition of the grandmothers of The Geysers
Defence Movement del Mar.
not the death of The Geysers! Not the product! Free Water, Life and territories without pollution! Http://movimientoporladefensadelmar.wordpress.com
Thursday, October 8, 2009
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That is supposed to happen for the human being aware of respect for their environment, about their world, respect for its history
few days ago was the Geysers keynote on national television address, was devoted to show how one and another was blamed, but never someone took a real risk. The Geysers for national teve seemed to be the new grace, something we have to talk, something must be shown. But recently the leak that occurred in the tatio arrest was achieved. After that time, the issue did not come out in the official press ceased to be subject to political candidates and turned to the grassroots, the people, who have always fought for the Geysers.
After checks on the flight, it became a subject that many thought was illogical, almost stupid and senseless "the company will continue speaking the geysers?, Which one hopes is an emphatic no from the authorities, those Environmentalists believe that profited from Express, but it may seem incredible, the exploitation of tatio is not a closed issue yet, you must first do an environmental impact study and if these are negative, I mean no harm, then you can continue the work
Again, we need happens to react, to change the whims of ambition and individualistic mentality that if the company owns. Was not enough the leak? Was not it enough to see the damage to the flora and fauna, it is not enough to know that a number of llamas, alpacas left their natural habitat because the noise of the plume and the temperature hit full pace of life they lead.
Apparently none of this is enough if we consider that not long ago, the geysers of Puchuldiza were damaged, with the same energy to find, to obtain water resources and ultimately these geysers are gone, now there is a system artificial fumarole launches for the European tourists will not feel cheated and The naive in this country think that Chile is concerned with the environment.
Puchuldiza On the case of the newspaper La Estrella de Iquique in 2006 published "Disturbance of water balance caused by the drilling carried out in dried Puchuldiza geysers of this natural attraction is now artificial.
Wells with chemicals that are hidden underground or simply left to the view of tourists who come to the geysers of Puchuldiza is the complaint of a group of tour operators in the region. If we add this mining surveys are conducted without any environmental consciousness, the result obtained is the suppression of this natural attraction.
Perforations that were improperly closed are a danger to the visitors of this area, mostly Europeans, who must see the contrast between landscape trucks, chemical baths and open wells, as well as workers in the middle of the Andes. "
Like in the case of Tatio anyone cares what happened to the indigenous people, nobody cares what happened to the flora and fauna, but unlike the previous case, the Geysers is the same condition which destroys the North geothermal company, is composed by ENEL, an Italian company, ENAP and Codelco.
At that time, the newspaper made an interesting point final report and we can see that in environmental policy chile, not advance
"For Antonio Mamani, the biggest problem is the extraction and exploitation of water by mining companies:" Water is increasingly demanded by TNCs that have no respect for our worldview. The legislation allows applying water as well. That logic, our communities do not understand. Water has always been occupied by the communities. Extract minerals from our territories with the promise of work and development, but leaving only pollution and drought. In Puchuldiza near Colchane, a mining affected the geysers and continue trying to build wells. What is development if we are becoming poorer? It is true that there are policies and some areas, subsidies and resources. But it is to 'integrate' or produce a 'development with identity', as they say. That is not our development and our worldview. "Education? There is talk of 'multiculturalism', but there is no exchange between the two cultures in schools or universities. "
"several threats against them. Between 1992 and 1998, the government authorized the construction of wells highland seeking "he said to supply potable water demand of Arica. The following year, drilled wells, which draw water to four thousand meters high in the Valley of Lluta. In 2000 the authorities reformulated its discourse saying "well serve to revitalize farming Azapa Valley." Large employers and Arica Azapa pushing for more water. Would extract 300 liters per second in the seven wells constructed. But served to deliver the application to mining operations, damaging watersheds and bring more drought and wetland species and wetlands. In 2004, Aymara and environmental organizations launched a protest campaign to challenge the exploitation of the wells and approval of environmental impact assessment endorsed by Corema. In March 2005, finally, the project was rejected, but is feared to be replaced. "
is assumed that human beings learn from their history or maybe that will be the eternal argument to justify wars, death, dictatorship, environmental damage, the total destruction of the planet.
I really hope that the geysers of tatio not join the long list of cases of destruction of this country and at the same time I hope that the curiosity of the official national press serve to raise a little awareness, to inquire more about this happening in this world to look a little beyond our belly and not forgetting our little native who has recently been marginalized, destroyed, humiliated.
not forget that we are thinking beings, capable of changing the world we live in, you can not expect anything from anyone, the people themselves must act, do not wait for all of Chile is dry at the whim of some
Journal Star Iquique
in Iquique and Putre
(Posted Stop 611, March 24, 2006 )
Soledad Vargas
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Senate seeks to The Geysers is natural monument
/ Lanacion.cl
Ana Lya Uriarte
said it was "extremely legitimate and appropriate" to ask The geyser of The Geysers have this nomination, while early adoption called the creation of the Ministry of Environment.
A draft agreement to ask the President to declare as a Natural Monument and Nature Sanctuary in the geysers of The Geysers, senators had different sectors led by José Antonio Gómez (PRSD), as part of a special session of the Senate discuss the environmental damage caused by the work of prospecting Northern Geothermal Company (EGN).
The Environment Committee will be responsible for agreeing the text of the draft agreement that already found a good acceptance among government representatives.
"Of course you are going to pay attention to the draft agreement, because this is a place that from an environmental point of view and tourism is of great significance, therefore looks remarkably legitimate and appropriate to the approach, "said Environment Minister Ana Lya Uriarte.
The initiative should also seek the views of senators in the sense that the incident should not call into question the diversification of energy mix, particularly in the development of geothermal energy.
Uriarte pointed to the need to pass in Congress the law creating the Ministry of the Environment, noting that senators should be "consistent", calling that none of those who criticized the situation arising today in The Geysers, many of them pointing to the lack of control, rejected the initiative.
"The bill creates the Ministry states that the bills when they enter the system development of environmental impact must explain how that is compatible with other activities such as tourism," he said.
The Minister referred in this way to the initiative that created the Ministry, the Department of Environmental Assessment and Environmental Superintendent, pending the Commission's specialized and received more than 1,300 signs, although provides a new regulatory framework .
Friday, October 2, 2009
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Enough so brazenly and continue fighting for
Today October 2 it seems that the geyser Geysers began to be subject to national level, when the disaster is already in sight of all, it is clear that not taking into account the subject would be politically incorrect, would leave a bad image to Chile, one year of the bicentennial.
In September, while some chanted and danced a lively chile cueca, believing that it is being patriotic or Chilean, others are really worried about the country, its history and its beautiful landscapes that characterize this narrow strip of land at the end of the world.
But the Geysers, is a subject that comes from 2001, people outraged community atacameños and other years have been fighting against intervention Geyser Geysers, because it was clear that the intervention of the geothermal company would cause irreparable harm and probably huge, but at that time, politicians were not interested, it's more, the current government, which now talks about punishing the company which speaks of respect for the environment, is the same that gave all the right companies to participate, regardless of the views of indigenous peoples, going to bring their culture, their history, their beliefs. But today, all we care for the planet, all now criticize the company and is not my intention to defend the company, but if Chile would deign to have a decent legislation in the environmental field, if Chile does not sell its natural resources easily as it does today, then we would have far fewer environmental disasters to tell.
The latest images, latest news from the official press or system, of which one should never expect too much, show presidential candidate Eduardo Frei impacted by environmental damage, please this is a larger scale chutzpah! Lack
than a creek walk Mehuín and is stunned by the situation that exists in the vicinity because of Celco valdivia, sponsored enterprise.
I just think that you can not be so bold, so wrong and so dirty, the game of politics is clearly not clean, but at least it asks for a little respect, perhaps Mr. Frei believe that with a visit to the geyser Geysers and speak a couple of things about the environment one will buy cheap speech.
just need to get to the place Piñera, giving away televisions and embracing the indigenous peoples, being the entrepreneur that the server gives audience never in his life has been concerned or by the indigenous and environmental conflicts. Or maybe not him, who with any social problem only proposes more repression and more heavy-handed police.
The problem in the Geysers geyser comes from a long time, and of course, today they are the same figures as Mr. Tomic saying how terrible the situation, being that until recently, indigenous representatives said they opposed the country's progress. It seems that this person never understood the difference between progress and growth, and in this case, the only growth that could exist was that of the checkbooks of these companies and the state
I hope and believe that many also expect the same, that this disaster horrible and caused by human hands, serve to stop the interventions in the Geysers, a precedent for the future in other environmental cases that appear safe and used to raise awareness, which is most important at this time. Next time, hopefully not have to go to destruction, to a disaster like the flight of 60 meters in the geothermal field to the environment walks to be a national issue.
"This can not continue happening. Here is given an authorization by the Corema to do research but has failed the resolution of environmental qualification, so clearly these projects do not comply with the law simply can not be done because this is a resource of the country is a tourist resort in the region, is a good of humanity we must not miss "Frei ruled
Source: The Counter
Soledad Vargas Bastías
Law Student, University of Chile
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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Senator Navarro calls "that
warns MP "Northern Geothermal must leave or face the consequences"
As an "eco-cide" Senator Alejandro Navarro called the a mere 60 plume escaping rampant in the geysers of Geysers, which was subject to inspection by ground with Liliana Mamani
Navarro showed a "gross negligence" by Northern Geothermal, "so we will ask
After meeting with the President of the community of Anza Caspana Don Gilberto and President Pascual Yufla Toconce community, and review the fumarole field, Navarro accused "the attempt to delegitimize the communities where the conflict is with Northern Geothermal Company, the real responsible for this eco - cide."
Then, Senator traveled to San Pedro de Atamaca, place where met with Ana Maria Baron, former mayor and members of the House
Navarro called the company to "take responsibility for the facts and not to raise dust so you do not see the disaster that occurs in the Geysers. The company has received 11 fines for various infractions, such as drawing water from marshes and wetlands without legal formalities, works, without naming an independent environmental auditor and after not keep track of tanks of water that sustain it, not surrender to the SAG presence of llaretas areas, mitigation plans to violate the condition of flora and fauna, etc.. "
The legislator said that" we are not against innocent pigeons. I think not enough that the company is replaced by a more accountable. The Geysers National Park should be no activities should be done there except tourism to continue contemplating the beauty of
Finally Navarro met in the afternoon with farmers and indigenous associations of Calama, at which agreed to support "the creation of a Regional Development Plan different to the current, which delivers water rights and geothermal energy to piece, without effective controls, to the detriment of communities and tourism. "
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no words that can capture what it feels, the grief, anger, strength, just watch the video
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in these last days, the geysers of tatio have made headlines, the press finally interested in what we have long been told that is wrong
something terrible had to happen to society, the press and media in general react to that for a few minutes left to report on the stupidity, Showbiz and the private lives of characters that do not matter.
grandfather crying harder than ever, but at least that llantoha served to create a little bit of concern there is a lot
information to read, well informed and participate in this cause
I leave several link where you can report
Technical Report on spillover effects of geothermal fluid in the geyser of The Geysers and the ecosystem of the area
- Universal Periodic Review of Chile. (For Bartolomé Clavero)
a greeting and big hug to all those in the north give their lives for this cause, those people who every day are fighting and defending their rights
from the distant capital, all the strength and support
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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Calama, September 22, 2009.
Indigenous Organizations, Social, Farmers, Tourist and the Chamber of Commerce San Pedro de Atacama all organizations of the Second Region of Chile
The Geysers Geysers area of \u200b\u200binterest were declared National Tour 2002 and the City of Calama own opposition to the project agreed, as well as Universities, Research, experts, associations and organizations that requested the Mayor an unfavorable ruling on the project.
We have requested the intervention of national authorities to protect and save the Geysers Geysers, Letter to the Honourable President of the Republic, Michelle Bachelet Jeria , Minister Secretary General of the Presidency Viera Gallo, Resource Protection decision Corema before the Court of Appeals in Antofagasta with the help of Rep. Felipe Word, is seeking the suspension of the activity Geothermal Energy Minister Tocman Marcelo, who wrote a letter to Mining Minister Santiago Gonzalez Larrain of delivery tube which is not called for the review of sectoral permits needed for the geothermal exploration and task suspension of the Municipality of Calama, I communicate personally Calama Mayor Esteban Velasquez in December 2008 that there was no ruling, another letter to the Minister of Energy Review of the geothermal suspension, which was not ruling on that date, Geothermal Company del Norte SA was approved in February 2009 by Corema Antofagasta, this brings an internal appeals the National Commission for the Environment, which have not yet delivered.
We also requesting intervention to the international authorities will request an application for interim relief to Ambassador James Canton American Commission on Human Rights also sent a letter to United Nations rapporteur Janes Anaya, personally Iquique comes complete with a folder documenting the Geysers Geysers, a charter with a history of Italian Ambassador Paolo Casardi.
view of the above request:
1. Help International Scientific determining air pollution and surface water, groundwater, its Effects, Environmental damage and thermophilic Life.
2. request the presence of United Nations Rapporteur Anaya Janes site visit.
3. Order the cessation and total length of the intervention of the Geysers Geysers.
; we are aware that at the actions expressed have been violated our constitutional rights, human, environmental and spiritual Ancestral our worldview.
Media National and international dissemination of this release.
Sincerely .
Amelia Mamani Charcas
President Sumaj Llajta Indian Community.
Esteban Araya TOROC
Secretary Association of Farmers Calama
Luis Jorquera Grin
Growers Association Director
Eduardo Cruz Choque
Network for Indigenous Participation Calama.
Sonia Ramos Chocobar
Cultores President of the Association of Ancient Medicine Likanantay.
Cutipa Marcela Maldonado
President of the Consumers Association of Calama.
Haroldo Horta
Atuspa member.
Ana Maria Baron
Archaeologist, Former Mayor of San Pedro de Atacama.
William Fabre
President of the Chamber of Commerce San Pedro de Atacama.
Mauricio Ccioca
Tourism Association President and Environment Environmental atime.
José Julián Maldonado
Atuspa President.
We support the following institutions, organizations and individuals in the world:
Inter-American Observatory on the Rights of Migrants OCIM
Chile National Immigration Bureau.
Sharing Network Indigenous
Lickan Antay Kamac-Mayu, children
Community Yalquincha Atacama San Pedro de Atacama
Chunchuri West Indian Association
Putre Indian Community Native Women's Association Inti Panni Pacha Mama
ORGANIZATIONS eventual Union Contractors CODELCO Business Research Center Migratory
Farmers Association
El Loa Neighborhood Board No. 1
Friday, September 4, 2009
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Without making prior consultation Chile Senate closes within indigenous constitutional signs
intespestivo So, without public discussion was closed indications within the controversial constitutional reform bill which limits the rights of indigenous peoples. The incident occurred on Tuesday, September 1, 2009. The Executive urgently assigned the processing.
The draft constitutional reform was not on the agenda of the plenary session of the Senate, but by an official of the executive, was introduced in the session table. Simultaneously adopted an agreement fulminant committees.
opened under the agreement a "special period" indications for the project, which began and ended on the same day. Thus the Executive introduced a new text which slightly modifies the proposed constitutional reform. The move closed the period taken for indications amendments to the project.
be recalled that the official deadline for indications had expired on 30 July 2009. That period had been approved by the Senate on April 7, 2009, when approving the "idea of \u200b\u200blegislating." The purpose of the deadline, which had been revonado on two occasions was able to give time to implement a process of consultation with indigenous peoples, applying Article 6 of the Convention No. 169.
However, during the months of April to July, the Senate did not conduct any activity intended to comply with its duty to consult. In his lugarm the Executive, through the now abandoned "Presidential Commission" displayed a diffusion process of the text of the draft constitutional reform on indigenous communities, and solicited opinions and proposals. In this unique process is called "consultation."
"Consultation of the Commissioner" was challenged by indigenous organizations for failing to meet the essential requirements of the institution of consultation, and because the state party should be the Congress and not an agency of government.
The results of this "refers to the Commissioner" were compiled by the Executive and sent to the Senate Constitution Committee, to take into account the time to resume the study of reform project.
The Constitution of the Senate Committee had scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, September 2, in order to further study the project. However, all was resolved with the resolution adopted on September 1, 2009.
In practice, the Senate gave not only satisfy the duty to consult indigenous peoples, and the Executive also took into account the results of the "consultation of the Commissioner." Confirmed so criticism that had been made to this irregular process, which had been described by various indigenous organizations as a measure distracting and irrelevant. The new indication
entered by the executive is the same text presented on April 7, 2009, and which now are added some editorial changes, that in no case can arise as a result of the "consultation of the Commissioner"
admitted on September 1, 2009
"1) replaces Article 4, by the following:
"Article 4 .- The State recognizes the existence of indigenous peoples living in its territory and their right to preserve, strengthen and develop their identity, culture, language, institutions and traditions and participate in economic, social , political and cultural life in the manner established in the national legal order, the right to be exercised by communities, organizations and members of these communities.
Indigenous peoples may organize your life according to their customs, in accordance with the Constitution and laws .".".
The new text remain unchanged The main adverse effects of this reform:
- Unknown pre-existence of indigenous peoples as collective subjects prior to the state.
- are unknown to international standards on indigenous peoples' rights, and ILO Convention 169, reducing the rights of indigenous peoples to cultural and social short-list, subject to what is established in the Chilean legal .
- was tacitly denied the status of indigenous peoples as entities capable of exercising their collective rights, reducing the exercise of rights only to indigenous individuals and communities, indigenous organizations formed under Chilean law.
- Introduction of a complete subordination of life of indigenous peoples, to the Chilean standards.
all information belongs to www.centrodepolitcaspublicas.net
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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urgently. Senate approved a constitutional reform that mutilates rights of indigenous peoples. Sinistra political operation of Viera Gallo
Behind indigenous peoples and entering an indication outside table and without a vote, the 1st of September at 18 hrs in a "meeting of the committee," an act typical of mafia gangs, the Senate committees approved "constitutional recognition" that mutilates the indigenous peoples' rights. New text proposed by the Executive refuses condition of the people as subjects of rights.
The bill passed a second step, the Chamber of Deputies.
Viera Gallo Senate and give a blow to indigenous peoples. Prove their blindness and contempt for human rights, blatantly violating the Convention 169.
At 16: 00 pm from Monday September 1, 2009 the Government through the Minister Viera Gallo entered the message 41, which "makes the urge, described as" sum "for the following initiatives:
"constitutional reform project, launched in Motion of the Honourable Senators Allamand gentlemen, Cantero, Espina, Garcia and Romero, which recognizes the contribution of indigenous peoples to the creation of the Chilean nation and constitutional reform bill that recognizes indigenous peoples of Chile (Bulletin No. 5324-07 and 5522-07, submitted). "
Senate committees immediately took the agreement to "expand" signs within the project of reform ... until 18 pm the same day same day Sept. 1.
And the same committees proceeded to approve the project with the only Nation and the following
INDICATION HE the President of the Republic:
"1) replaces Article 4, by the following:
" Article 4 .- The State recognizes the existence of indigenous peoples living in its territory and their right to preserve, strengthen and develop their identity, culture, language, institutions and traditions and participate in economic, social, political and cultural development in establishing a national legal order, right to be exercised by communities, organizations and members of these communities.
Indigenous peoples may organize your life according to their customs, in accordance with the Constitution and laws .".".
Along with approving the sentence unchanged fascist "and Individo single nation, the new version reaffirms that indigenous peoples not to enforce. They are not capable collective subjects.
The "recognition" will be announced in the first sentence is a sham, denies that the phrase only communities, indigenous organizations and individuals could exercise rights.
And if it is in the iron frame of the Constitution that denies rights Chilean ....
inconsulto and racist project has passed the House of Representatives
The government has attached great urgency to the proceedings.
= 3 days.
Is that the desire for dialogue and to comply with ILO Convention 169?
that why the procession of ministers travel?
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truth that if they report
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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What functions and powers of the Commission?
The Commission has the primary role of promoting the observance and protection of human rights and the exercise of its mandate:
a) Receives, analyzes and investigates individual petitions which allege human rights violations, as provided in Articles 44 to 51 of the Convention.
b) Notes the general validity of human rights in Member States, and when it sees fit publishes special reports on the situation in a particular state.
c) Make site visits to countries to deepen the general observation of the situation, and / or to investigate a particular situation. These visits usually result in the preparation of a related report, published and sent to the General Assembly.
d) Stimulates public consciousness regarding human rights in the Americas. To do so, carries out and publishes studies on specific topics. So for example on: measures to ensure greater independence of the judiciary; activities of irregular armed groups, the human rights situation of minors, women, indigenous peoples.
e) Conducts and participates in conferences and meetings of various kinds with government representatives, academics, nongovernmental groups, etc ... Share and analyze issues with the inter-American human rights.
f) Makes recommendations to OAS Member States on measures to help promote and guarantee human rights.
g) requires States to take "precautionary measures" specific to avoid serious and irreparable damage to human rights emergencies. You can also request that the Court required "provisional measures" governments in urgent cases of danger to people, even if the case has not yet been submitted to the Court.
h) Submits cases to the jurisdiction of the Court and acts before the Court in such disputes.
i) Requests "advisory opinion" to the Court on matters of interpretation of the Convention.
why we can appeal Human rights??
Obviously, the destruction of tatio not only means the loss of a wonderful place, but it is also a lack of respect for the indigenous peoples who have lived for centuries in the territories and because ultimately the destruction of tatio involves the disappearance of the surrounding towns that are part of the history of our country
can not lose hope! nothing is lost work
mourn is better for fighting and being defeated, we mourn for not doing anything
Saturday, August 29, 2009
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today, August 29, were present at the protest against dams and against the destruction of our environment
Sunday, August 23, 2009
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hello, I leave an article of the nation regarding the company ENEL
belongs to the Italian state and is larger than the English generator. Native soil is already through and Pullinque Pilmaiquén projects with a capacity of 90 MW. His specialty is developing geothermal Enap with four awards at a time when the bet is to diversify the company in a scenario of an energy crisis.
increase its hydroelectric capacity in the Central Interconnected System (SIC) and develop the geothermal potential that exists in Chile. With these objectives arrive our country the Italian giant Enel (Ente Nazionale per l'Energia Electrica), seeking to become one of the most important generators of local market. That, after formalizing the Public Offering of Shares (OPA) for Endesa Spain in the National Securities Market of the Iberian country in September this year.
In 2005, Fausto Batini, manager of international department of Enel, and Oscar Valenzuela, General Manager of Enel Chile and Empresa Nacional de Geothermal, were emphatic in pointing out the decision to become a major player in the CIS: "We'll to achieve if we find attractive projects from the economic point of view. We're seeing all the SIC on hydropower, "he said Valenzuela.
Currently, the Italian firm has two plants in passing in the central-Pilmaiquén and Pullinque-totaling 90 megawatts (Mw), and the strategy is to increase this figure through the application and purchase of water rights, the study acquisition projects or initiatives that are already operating.
company Enel is Italy's largest energy and the third largest in Europe. Produces and sells electricity in Europe, North and Latin America, and has the capacity to generate 50,776 MW. In Italy, the second natural gas distributor and is responsible for the operation of hydropower stations, thermal, nuclear, geothermal and wind. In 2006, Enel generated revenues of 38,500 million euros, earnings totaled eight billion euros.
To provide electricity to the SIC from developing geothermal (heat energy contained within the earth, which is transmitted by thermal conduction to the surface), in 2005 Enel closed society Enap National Geothermal Energy Company (ENG)-where the Italian has 51% and 49% Enap - and Northern Geothermal (GND) to provide electricity to the Northern Interconnected System.
The challenge is to develop four geothermal projects: Apacheta and Torta, Region II, Dungeon and Chillán, located in the final environmental impact study. The company has said that if certain the four initiatives, evaluate the installation of a minimum of 600 MW, which would rise to the 1,900 MW, depending on the scans.
In Chile there is potential to install power for a total of between 1,235 and 3,350 MW, and Enel is the first company in the world in the development of such energy. Known unofficially decided to move into the country because " respect the agreements "and that there is a" firm decision "to develop renewable energy, which was fueled by a bill promoted by the minister, Marcelo Tokman.
In this scenario, the Italian looks to diversify Chile's energy matrix producing at least two thousand megawatts. The idea of \u200b\u200bItaly is that geothermal energy represents 20% of the local energy matrix. "This company has more know-how in renewable energy Endesa, and the opportunities that are opening up in Chile for these energies, it creates an interesting space to be very well used by them," says Maria Isabel Gonzalez, former executive secretary CNE.Pero warns of Enel will own the main electricity generator, Endesa, and the second distributor Chilectra. "That has never been good for the country in the hands of anyone. The regulator's interests coincide with those of investors. "
Regarding the company's environmental policy, in December last year, Enel launched a five-year plan to develop renewable energy sources, as well as for developing new technologies that do not harm the environment. Investment in this plan will be 4,100 million euros. Energy experts say that this aspect is relevant, since Endesa Spain is not any program of this magnitude, and therefore believe that a company will be far more "green" Endesa.
Carla Alonso Sunday Nation
| Activity Energy and Commodities
| |
| Address Viale Regina Margherita 137 | |
Partners to | 27/04/2009 Director General Fulvio Conti | |
Shareholders at 04/27/1909 | Italian State: 21.10% | |
Description | Enel is the 1st producer and distributor of electricity Italian. Revenues (excluding divested activities) by activity as follows: - sale of electricity and natural gas (54.1%): 142.6 TWh of electricity sold and 4.5 thousand m3 of natural gas sold in 2006 ; - electricity production (32.7%): 103.9 TWh products, distributed by type of energy from thermal energy (71.1%), hydro (23.5%), geothermal (5%) and renewable (0 , 4%). In addition, the group develops an engineering activity and construction of facilities and power production units, - transport and distribution of electricity and gas (2.3%): 255 TWh of electricity and 3,700 million m3 carried. In late 2006, Enel had a network of electricity transmission and 1,096,300 miles of gas transmission network of 31,113 km - other (3%): in particular, management activities on their own. The balance of revenues (7.9%) about the jobs secured in the international arena. | |
Accounts | |||||
income statement | 2003 | 2004 |
| 2005 2006 2007 |
Result grandson | 2427 |
| 2747 4132 3101 |
| 4213 |
Earnings |
| 4732 5870 5538 |
| 5819 6,990 |
Turnover | 28,937 28,658 |
| 32,272 37,497 42,695 |
Net result (share 2,509 |
| 2,631 3,895 |
| 3,036 3,977 |
Products | ord activities
| 32,374 30,998 33,928 |
| 38,401 43,603 |
cost of debt finance | 0 | - 722 | -657 -538 |
| 1398 |
ACTIVITIES Net income from -136 |
| -155 | 1272 | 0 | 127 |
proportional results |
| 0 -25 -30 |
| -4 | 12 |
| thousand euros | thousand euros | thousand euros | thousands of euros | thousand euros |
Balance | |||||
Balance | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 |
Total assets |
| 69,839 65,378 50,502 |
| 54,500 123,748 |
together Suppliers and |
| 7,227 6,818 6,610 |
| 6,188 9,622 |
Total passive |
| 69,839 65,378 50,502 |
| 54,500 123,748 |
| 21,315 19,066 19,416 |
| 19,025 23,789 |
| Intangible assets 5,263
| 3,362
| 607 711 1903 |
non-current financial assets | 2,060 2,120 |
| 3,608 2,118 6,252 |
treasures Cash and cash equivalents 1,458 |
| 331 476 547 | 1,234 |
Provisions for liabilities and charges |
| 5,758 4,314 3,929 |
| 6,784 9,382 |
non-current financial debts |
| 18,532 20,291 10,967 |
| 12,194 52,155 |
Debt Current financial |
| 7,191 6,589 2,296 |
| 1,409 8,014 |
Goodwill |
| 8,313 6,709 1,575 |
| 2,271 26,274 |
Tangible |
| 37,155 36,702 |
| 30,188 34,846 55,471 |
Stocks and work in progress | 4,211 1,345 |
| 884 1,209 1,726 |
customer and account credits vinc |
| 6,977 8,027 8,316 |
| 7,958 11,576 |
| Other assets 4,402
| 6,782 4,848 4,840 |
| 19,312 |
Other liabilities 9,816 |
| 7,807 6,990 7,959 |
| 19,225 |
| thousands
| EUR thousands EUR thousands |
| EUR thousands EUR thousands | EUR