Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can A Laser Printer Print Borderless

the journey of two women

after many days is the absence, I just have to apologize to those people who have fought more strongly than ever that he is still alive
the indigenous grandmothers' trip was the highest symbol of the dreamers, is the apparent history of Quixote fighting windmills, just to them my absolute admiration

take advantage to thank Mehuin creek fighters have always had a caring heart, although the reason why they are fighting is difficult, always leave a space for support any Indian brother

this note is written for them
Determined to do everything in his power, on October 10 Mrs Amelia Mamani (President Quechua Community Llajta Sumac, 58 years) and Sonia Ramos (President of the Association of Medical Cultores Ancestral Likan Antai and Quechua, 55). They began their trek of 1500 miles from Calama to Santiago, to deliver to President Michelle Bachelet a letter signed by more than 30 000 people rejecting the intervention of the Geothermal Project in the geysers of The Geysers, in the Antofagasta Region.

This was an agreement that took them, without comment, for fear of repression living opponents of the "big projects." Situation that occurs in all parts of Chile where there are conflicts over territories threatened with pollution and destruction.

The idea of \u200b\u200bgrandmothers, was reached by their own means from Calama to Santiago, walking day and night looking for a place to sleep. All with their own resources (although rare). They felt the need to make great sacrifice for "the grandfather crying." As calls his people, in the north to the Geysers.

came to Santiago on Friday 23 October at 11am. They give an interview to the media and would deliver the letter to the president. Who, in something that is no surprise, was not the time to receive them. Sympathize with, and Quechua peoples and Antai Likan because so does our Mapuche people. Al Apparently there is no time for Native Peoples, and North and South, but for entrepreneurs, artists, athletes and foreign celebrities. We

receive these walkers and Mrs. Amelia said, "At my age I should not do this, but I can be sitting watching destroy natural resources." Apart

enriching commented that it was the journey, chatting with many people who were waiting in different cities. He recalled the joy he felt at seeing young people engaged and aware. He added: "In my heart I have every conversation, when I get my people tell you everything I heard and so my neighbors, my family and all who hear me know what happens in other places. "

As many feared, were not received by President Bachelet, who hoped to talk. But not as "president" but as a woman, mother and grandmother. They expected her to understand what they feel. However, at about 14:30 pm, when they were thinking about what lived in the vicinity of the CONFERRE, received a call from the Chief of Staff to the Secretary of the Interior Patrick Roseberry, saying that now would be received at 16: 00 hours. Before this was prepared, although it was clear to what had come, be received only by President Michelle Bachelet.

gave us a great example, with its long, strenuous walk and sacrifice. Were happy to be accompanied by brothers of Patagonia (no dams) and Mapuche brothers. We (lafkenche) finished admiring them, for their strength and desire to continue to defend its territory.

That we understand very well because we also live with the threat of contaminating the Lafkenmapu. In our case, not an Italian geothermal flow as in The Geysers, but by a cell of the Angelini group, which is named as Arauco and a pine tree logo. The logo of destruction!

ship newen (strength) and recognition of the grandmothers of The Geysers

Defence Movement del Mar.

not the death of The Geysers! Not the product! Free Water, Life and territories without pollution! Http://movimientoporladefensadelmar.wordpress.com


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