Friday, February 19, 2010

What Type Of Paint For Body Painting

Standards and sources of information applied to the design of piping

American Insurance Association AIA
American National Standard Institute ANSI ¬
American Petroleum Institute API
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM
American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS American Welding Society
American Waterworks Association AWWA
General Service Administration GSA
ISA Instrument Society of America
MSS Manufacturers' Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings lndustry
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
PFI Pipe Fabrication Institute

The term referred to as a document covering a specific area of \u200b\u200bindustry, government has accepted and provides a basis for fincar legal obligations on individuals.

B31 ASME Code applied in piping for petroleum industry consists of a set of sections that are published separately: B31.3 Process Piping

applies to pipe refining plants, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc., And processing plants and terminals.

B31.8 Gas Transportation and Distribution Piping Systems applies to pipeline for transportation of products, mainly gas, between the source and terminals, whether these compression, regulation or measurement.
Example: "ASME B31.3 2002"

STANDARDS A standard set of geometric features which should accessories to meet so as to allow their exchange and its dimensions are known. The run in pipes are prepared by ASME, API and MSS


The specification indicates the chemical composition, manufacturing process, heat treatment, destructive and nondestructive testing, mechanical properties and tolerances dimensional fabrication which must meet a pipe fitting. The most important used are those published by ASME, API and MSS
Example: "ASTM A106", "API 5L" A2A_F754.

Best practices indicate reliable processes for the development of specific work that can range from the refurbishment of valves and pipe bending to test and thermal treatments. We recommended practices primarily API and PFI. Below are the documents PFI. ES2

Method of Dimensioning Piping Assemblies
ES7 Minimum Length and Spacing for Welded Nozzles
SS16 Access Holes, Bosses, and Plugs for Radiographic Inspection of Pipe Welds
ES26 Welded Load Bearing Attachments to Pressure Retaining Piping Materials Branch ES36
Reinforcement Work Sheets. ES40
Method of Dimensioning Grooved Piping Assemblies
ES44 Drafting Practices Standard
ES1 Internal Machining and Solid Machined Backing Rings For Circumferential Butt Welds
ES21 Internal Machining and Fit-up of GTAW Root Pass Circumferential Butt Welds
ES24 Pipe Bending Methods, Tolerances, Process and Material Requirements
ES35 Nonsymmetrical Bevels and Joint Configurations for Butt Welds
ES45 Recommended Practice for Local Post-Weld Heat Treatment
ES5 Cleaning of Fabricated Piping
ES29 Internal Abrasive Blast Cleaning of Ferritic Piping Materials
ES31 Standard for Protection of Ends of Fabricated Piping Assemblies
ES34 Temporary Painting/Coating of Fabricated Piping
ES37 Standard for Loading and Shipping of Piping Assemblies
ES46 Bar Coding
ES3 Fabricating Tolerances
ES3 24 X 24 in. Fabricating Tolerances Poster
ES11 Permanent Marking on Piping Materials
ES22 Recommended Practice for Color Coding of Piping Materials. (Includes 1 Laminated Pocket Size Reference Card)
ES32 Tool Calibration
ES39 Fabricating Tolerances for Grooved Piping Systems
ES41 Standard for Material Control and Traceability of Piping Components
ES43 Standard for Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steel and Nickel Alloy Materials
ES4 Hydrostatic Testing of Fabricated Piping
ES20 Wall Thickness Measurement by Ultrasonic Examination
ES25 Random Radiography of Pressure Retaining Girth Butt Welds
ES27 "Visual Examination" The Purpose, Meaning and Limitation of the Term Random ES30
Ultrasonic Examination of Butt Welds
ES42 Standard for Positive Material Identification of Piping Components using Portable X-Ray Emission Equipment Type

Example: API_STD_621

This type of documents listed as the name implies requirements particular materials in special applications such as fluid handling hydrogen sulfide containing H2S, hydrogen, chlorine, etc. These documents are published by NACE.
Example: NACE MR 103


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