Just go out to realize the sexual invasion around us. Ads with scantily clad pictures. Ads that claim to offer care based on a sexual complaint. Programs that rely on sexual topics audience of celebrities. Celebrities who do pick up his reputation based on their sexual behavior of the sign they are. Given all this avalanche, the question arises the role of sexuality in the person, especially when we realize that the management of sexuality is not indifferent in life.
Often problems arise from the sexuality education they received at home, or the lack thereof. Not enough to know the functioning of certain organs of our body for good sex. Because sexuality is not just a function. Sexuality is a powerhouse that brings feelings, experiences, safety, capacity, and that catalyzes the most powerful forces that have the human being: the ability to love. Hence it is necessary that sexuality is integrated into the whole human being. Especially the integration to be made available to the best of human dimensions that is self-giving love, responsible and free . So sexuality can not be unconscious or superficial. Even less can be instinctive or impulsive. Sexuality is so complex that sometimes do not know how to handle it, how to live, much less how to teach. However there is a tactic that never fails: work with tenacity to grow in us and in which we are entrusted the results of sexuality, which incidentally are neither play, nor pleasure, but donation to someone else , generosity, openness to other from itself heart.
I am convinced that in a culture with less hormone floating in the air like ours, is not always easy to escape the risks of deviant sexuality, because we miss the hearing, we alter the emotional, we shake the desire. But we can always prevent, remediate and build, we plant generosity over selfishness, responsibility over the superficialities, above the service superb. We can not avoid the assault of the trivialization of sexuality, but we are stronger than her, when once the tide, remain in our hearts the best feelings noble attitudes, which over a morality of rules, find the standard of morality, which is the love of the person. When your children grow fill them with respect, demanding, for honesty, generosity, appreciation for the good, caring for people , then you know that sexuality is a means to receive and give a true love, not money to spend fireworks.
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