Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Eyes in the Solar System

I fly through the solar system with this nice tool that NASA has available to everyone.

A 3D virtual planetarium that lets you select any celestial object in our system and major space exploration probes of current and past recent years. For example, a view from the current position of the Voyager 1 spacecraft, pictured below:

now, have highlighted the view of Mercury from the actual position of the Messenger probe, which at this time 23:36 of 17/3/2011 is about to enter its orbit.

Finally, another application similar to Celestia but this time on-line. Examples

to sit and watch, Journey of the Voyager 2 probe around Saturn, Cassini probe
Titan ... (To deceive).

Finally, a video explaining what it is and what is posibildades:


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