Who has not felt angry at God when something has not gone well, when your life is filled with contradictions, when she looks up to say " Why me? Who has not felt boiling inside when it is before their eyes the tragedy of innocent human perversity or overflows? Humans do not always have answers or the answers we have are woefully inadequate. In all these situations we feel an inner anger aimed not only at the circumstances, but God. Interestingly this is something positive because it means we believe in Good God, which we do not understand how, in his providence can afford a bad thing. In order to understand God would be God, which obviously does not happen. However, there are ways we can try to go not to solve the problems but to find a way to provide a channel that feeling of anger with God.
The first is that we have to wonder we get angry with God. We would stone or ice if you did not. Anger is nothing but the manifestation of what is happening it hurts and most of the time it has hurt us much reason to do so. That does not disturb our conscience. What we need to know is what to do with that feeling, how we have to channel. For example, we would have to ask if we can do something about the evil that we are seeing not just sit back and complain. Sometimes we have to realize that the evils are the result of human freedom rather than what God decides. God knows those evils and bring them back to the good and we have to take responsibility for the use of our freedom. There will be times when we can not do anything, what happens is the result of freedom. What happens when it is a disease that takes a young boy or a mother who is in charge of several children? Hence the mystery itself is large. And although we must be aware that human beings are fragile and that our life is limited, these situations never cease to grieve.
There is a word I do not really like that is the word resignation. Yet it is a word with a deep meaning, as derived from Latin, means opening a seal, and accept a disappointment. And I liked the two meanings. I accept the disappointment, because it put my freedom from disappointment and decide what I do, whether to allow the setback to be stronger or that my convictions are. And second, because through the mystery of suffering is like breaking a seal, the seal of the unknown, the hallmark of what we never knew well. But do not break the seal themselves. Do not break with a God solves problems, but with a God-mate problems. He did not release us, embraces us, and understand that we are angry, and we want more for the fact of knowing that mad. Having God as a partner is having next to whom, in our anger, makes us stronger, because he can overcome the pain for no reason, with the reason of love.
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